
Showing posts from August, 2021


  Once upon a time , tender plants were growing out of the ground and a group of man were  standing and seen the plants growing. The group looked at each other and started mumbling  words to each other , then they started to yell but were not saying anything that was actual words. The two most understandable words they said was “ MAN” and “GROUND. Once those words started to make it around the city everybody started to realize what it meant. People started staying in the shelter instead of walking outside because of what happened . Word was plants are growing out of the ground and turn to man. So one man went and grabbed a plant sprouting and took it to shelter and watered it . Man wanted to see if he watered the plant how the rain waters them would he see man grow from the plant in his face. He waited and waited while everybody was outside doing regular life he stayed inside for many days without eating to see man grow in his face. Finally , after 1 month he came to see that man doesn


 Today we started on the typing part for our stories . Our teacher explained to us on what to do and the fonts to put it on so we can be ready to type our drafts and final versions . He also explained how to do the paragraph explaining  that your story is a myth and all the examples your supposed to have in your story . I got a lot done friday so i should be ready to submit mines on sunday or before that . If you research and try to actually figure out what a myth is that will help you a lot .

August 26

 Today we didn’t , really learn about anything lesson wise. We had time to work on our new stories that we have to type and turn it in by Monday . We had a small talk but not something serious, only about covid and how it spreads , going out , and etc . I researched some useful information to help with my myth origins . Started on my typing part already , and had some websites to help me with the human origins . He said we are going to work on the typing part tomorrow so yea that’s what i’m ready to do .



August 23

 We learned about native americans today . He asked what do we know about native americans . In my bell ringer response I said , I know that they were really the first people on land but were ran off and stuff like that . That’s really all I know besides of how they look and dress etc . Also , we went over how is religion different from a myth . Then , we talked about Mythology vs Religin Too.

August 16

  today we got more in depth     in american literature. Literature started from natives writing about their situations in the 1700s. Then we transitioned into a few vocabulary words such     as textual evidence , infer , account and a few more . We also learned our 3 standards , for this unit . Next , we talked about about how to analyze poetry . First , analyze the text , read to get a feel of it , read to determine meanings , follow punctuation and make some connections . Then finally you would annotate the text . After , that we transitioned into reading and breaking down a poetry by Langston Hughes .  


 My name is Danuail Chance and i’m 16 years old . I like to be on my phone a lot texting people most of the time , or watching youtube . Parties , music anything of that nature you can count me in . I don’t like to be around a lot of people though so it depends who party it is and what kinda party it is . If the party dead mind as well not invite me . I like to play the game mostly 2k , GTA and madden . I’m not playing for free though so be ready to put some $ up. Clothes , shoes and other stuff what i’m really into though . About 2 years ago I use to play basketball . Stopped cause I wasn’t really feeling how I use too . Now I be out and about running around the city most of the time . Ready to graduate , get me a lil warehouse job and go crazy .